Teaching Resources
This page contains directions to various teaching resources which I maintain. Some of these are generic skills and others are directly related to modules I teach in University College Cork. These can all be accessed via the links provided below.
YouTube Teaching Material
I maintain a YouTube channel with instructional videos designed to help support students which are undertaking my modules in UCC. These videos are freely available to everyone, and I hope they provide a useful resource for individuals interested in the various topics they cover. You can access my YouTube channel, which contains all the videos I have uploaded here.
Module Teaching Support
This section provides support for students undertaking modules I teach in UCC. The material should also prove of value to individuals studying any macroeconomics or econometrics modules. The tutorials provided make use of interactive graphics and embedded instructional videos to provide a supportive and intuitive learning experience. Follow the below links for these tutorials.
EC2102: Macroeconomics: Business Cycles, Growth and Development
Tutorial 1 - The Closed Economy: An Introduction
Tutorial 2 - Closed Economy: The Relationship between Savings, Investment and the Real Interest Rate.
Tutorial 3 - The Open Economy: An Introduction
Tutorial 4 - The Open Economy: International Capital Flows and the Trade Balance
Tutorial 5 - The Determinants of the Real Exchange Rate
Tutorial 6 - Fiscal Policy on the Real Exchange Rate in a Small Open Economy
Tutorial 7 - The Solow Growth Model.
EC6054: Econometrics for Research
Gretl Tutorial 1 - Introduction to Gretl
Gretl Tutorial 2 - Importing Data into Gretl
Gretl Tutorial 3 - Manipulating Data in Gretl
Gretl Tutorial 4 - Running OLS Regressions in Gretl
Gretl Tutorial 5 - Using Gretl Commands
Tutorial 1 - Introduction to the Regression Line
Tutorial 2 - The Use of t-statistics to Test Coefficient Significance
Tutorial 3 - The use of F-statistics to Test Multiple Coefficients Significance
Stata Tutorial 1 - Setting Up Stata
Stata Tutorial 2 - Getting Data into Stata
Stata Tutorial 3 - Basic Regression
Stata Tutorial 4 - Introduction to Time Series Operators in Stata
Stata Tutorial 5 - Generating a Line Graph in Stata
EC3133: Empirical Research Methods
SPSS Tutorial 1 - Importing Data into SPSS
SPSS Tutorial 2 - Data and Variable Views in SPSS
SPSS Tutorial 3 - Generating Line Graphs in SPSS
SPSS Tutorial 4 - Estimating a Regression Equation
SPSS Tutorial 5 - Generating a Crosstab
SPSS Tutorial 6 - Implement a Chi-squared test
SPSS Tutorial 7 - Implementing an Independence t-test of means
Generic Research Skills
Tutorial 1 - Using Endnote
Tutorial 2 - Estimating a Regression Model in Microsoft Excel
Tutorial 3 - Microsoft Word Equation Editor
EC2102: Macroeconomics: Business Cycles, Growth and Development
Tutorial 1 - The Closed Economy: An Introduction
Tutorial 2 - Closed Economy: The Relationship between Savings, Investment and the Real Interest Rate.
Tutorial 3 - The Open Economy: An Introduction
Tutorial 4 - The Open Economy: International Capital Flows and the Trade Balance
Tutorial 5 - The Determinants of the Real Exchange Rate
Tutorial 6 - Fiscal Policy on the Real Exchange Rate in a Small Open Economy
Tutorial 7 - The Solow Growth Model.
EC6054: Econometrics for Research
Gretl Tutorial 1 - Introduction to Gretl
Gretl Tutorial 2 - Importing Data into Gretl
Gretl Tutorial 3 - Manipulating Data in Gretl
Gretl Tutorial 4 - Running OLS Regressions in Gretl
Gretl Tutorial 5 - Using Gretl Commands
Tutorial 1 - Introduction to the Regression Line
Tutorial 2 - The Use of t-statistics to Test Coefficient Significance
Tutorial 3 - The use of F-statistics to Test Multiple Coefficients Significance
Stata Tutorial 1 - Setting Up Stata
Stata Tutorial 2 - Getting Data into Stata
Stata Tutorial 3 - Basic Regression
Stata Tutorial 4 - Introduction to Time Series Operators in Stata
Stata Tutorial 5 - Generating a Line Graph in Stata
EC3133: Empirical Research Methods
SPSS Tutorial 1 - Importing Data into SPSS
SPSS Tutorial 2 - Data and Variable Views in SPSS
SPSS Tutorial 3 - Generating Line Graphs in SPSS
SPSS Tutorial 4 - Estimating a Regression Equation
SPSS Tutorial 5 - Generating a Crosstab
SPSS Tutorial 6 - Implement a Chi-squared test
SPSS Tutorial 7 - Implementing an Independence t-test of means
Generic Research Skills
Tutorial 1 - Using Endnote
Tutorial 2 - Estimating a Regression Model in Microsoft Excel
Tutorial 3 - Microsoft Word Equation Editor